The TYLE-TYE® Hurricane Strap System is used where maximum holding power is required. Each strap is 10 feet long. Once the straps are fastened to the deck, and the fastening points are sealed in approved roofing mastic, each tile is connected to a punch out providing for a speedy installation.
The Tyle-Tyeš Hurricane Strap system system consists of a 1" wide by 24 gauge strap with punch outs every 4" to connect each piece of roofing tile, and anchor holes every 4" to nail, screw or spike the strap securely to any type of roof deck. Individual tiles are secured to the strap using Tie Wires, Connectors or Tie Rods. Besides being anchored at the eave and ridge, the straps are anchored at 5 foot intervals as required to avoid overstressing any one anchor point.
(For further information, see downloads for Tyle-Tyeš Hurricane Strap System specifications.) |